Fluidyne’s Hydro-Grit™ grit vortex system removes sand and inorganic material before the wastewater treatment process. Historically one of our most popular and effective products, the high efficiency Hydro-Grit™ offers the same advantages as the standard Hydro-Grit™ with improved... read more
Using a combination of inlet feed stream energy and auxiliary water jet energy, the Fluidyne Hydro-Grit™ vortex grit separation system is unique in design and the benefits provided, yet the principles of its operation are well-proven. Grit and other heavy particles are separated, washed and removed... read more
The Hydro-Grit™ Classifier is designed for the separation, dewatering and removal of settleable inorganic material typically at the inlet/headworks of a municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plant.